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You can expect a smile, friendly and ready to assist
Prompt / always on time
Courtesy - A standing policy
A Five Star Establishment

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On time, everytime. Sometimes, ahead of time. But never behind time.


Courtesy is our standing policy


You can expect a smile / Always ready to assist

• Alert responsive customer service reps.
• We believe in the old fashion rule: The customer is always right.
• We are dedicated to satisfying each and every one of our customers.

Standard Cleaning Services Include

*Dusting: Ceiling Fans. Picture Frames,
*Floors Mopped or Vacuumed
*Dust and Polish Cabinets/Furniture
*Sanitize/Disinfect Counters and Sinks
*Wipe Down Kitchen Appliances
*Clean Microwave (inside/out)
*Clean Stove-top/Outside Oven
*Clean Mirrors and Bathroom Fixtures
*Clean Bathroom(s) Tubs. Showers/Tiles
*Make Beds (change bedding if requested)
*Empty Trash and Recyclables Cans
*Pick up Misplaced Items as needed
*NO moving, heavy lifting or climbing

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